As we sat for or very first team meeting here at the City of Children in Ensenada Mexico, our American hosts - Jeff and Natasha Fincher - used a powerful illustration to help us understand we're not in America anymore. While we were reviewing the rules, Jeff had us draw at a random treat from a box. Each one of these treats was something you could only find in Mexico and then, once everyone had one, we were invited to taste.

Jeff and Natasha, our American hosts here
Hmmmmm, the black, gooey Tamarind pulp in a bag (Jeff Mc thought it was a tire patch). Ohhhhh, and I've got something like ground up sweet tart mixed with chili powder (Sugar and chili powder...how's that going to come out?) Sam has something like a dinner-sicle -- tastes like ribs on the outside and I think I'm getting to the green beans now! Ahhhhh, what am I suppose to do with this?

In an impressive exhibition of daring and gastrointestinal faith (most of us couldn't even read the ingredients list) we put they oddly textured and colored and flavored "treats" in our mouths. And, yes, facial reactions underscored Jeff's point...we are in a foreign country. Tastes are, indeed, different here. It was Jeff's way to help us understand that we need to be sensitive to the cultural differences.
But there are some things we do share and that are already bringing us together. One is a love of fun and so the evening ended with Mexican and American teens gathering for arousing game of Musical Chairs of Death. The other is a love of the Lord. We gathered in a circle to pray and sing in our different languages but with one heart. It's always a wonderful feeling to hear others praising God in a different language that you don't understand but because you share the same spirit and hope and promise...you do.
Tomorrow is Sunday and we'll be treated to another taste of the local culture when the dorm mothers make us a real, authentic Ensenada Mexican meal. But unlike today's "treats" we'll be begging for more!
- Nelson
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Birthday Girl!
P.S. Rebecca Y. was awarded the Festival of Sharing hat today. The Festival of Sharing hat was rescued from a yard sale and now has found new as the award given each day to the team member who best exemplifies the spirit of service. Rebecca received it for taking one for the team when she agreed to get a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle balloon made while we were in San Diego to complete a set of four the guys had made. Not her first choice, we're sure. Also, Rachel Y. celebrated her birthday today with a cupcake and group sing on the bus and getting something "good" from the "treat" box.
looks like ya'll have a great group!! how exciting!! love ya'll!!!